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START–Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities

Offering programs and services that support the engagement of families to improve outcomes for students.

START-Engaging Parent of Students with Disabilities (EPSD) offers assistance and services that support the engagement of families to improve outcomes for students, including developing and supporting Special Education Parent Advisory Groups (SEPAGs) in communities and school districts.

Through workshops, trainings, and parent leadership development activities, we help parents:

  • Become informed and active participants in their child’s education
  • Partner with educators in improving educational programs for students with disabilities, particularly in the area of Inclusion
  • Start or strengthen parent advisory groups or parent support groups in their areas


Accessibility is removing barriers so everyone can meaningfully participate. When a SEPAG is accessible, there is a sense of inclusion and belonging for families. It is important to reflect on the barriers that exist and work collectively as a group to address the barriers so everyone can meaningfully participate in the mission of the SEPAG. 

Quick Guide

How Can SEPAGs Build Diverse Family Engagement? Quick Guide 5 – How Can SEPAGs Build Diverse Family Engagement.pdf

¿Cómo pueden los SEPAG construir una participación familiar diversa? Quick_Guide_5_spa.pdf

Special Education Parent Advisory Groups (SEPAGs) Engage Families to Support Learning for ALL Students: Quick_Guide_10.pdf

Los Grupos Consultivos de Padres en Educación Especial (SEPAG) involucran a las familias para apoyar el aprendizaje de TODOS los estudiantes: Quick_Guide_10_spa.pdf

Tools to use

Input Tool for SEPAG Meetings—Organizational Tool for collecting input at SEPAG meetings  |  Use this chart to organize input, identify systemic issues, and include suggestions for possible resolution. It can also be copied into a Google Doc and made interactive so anyone with a link can add comments or suggestions. Template-Input-Tool-for-SEPAG-2021-English.pdf


SEPAG Self Assessment: SEPAG Self Assessment-Eng.pdf

sample SEPAG self-assessment Spanish.pdf

SEPAG Accessibility Reflection Tool: May 2024 – RT Accessibility Questions final English & Spanish.pdf

SPAN’s START-EPSD Project is funded through a Cooperative Agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education Professional Development.