NJ Statewide Parent to Parent (NJP2P)
Giving families the skills and support they need to help their children with disabilities reach their full potential and to help them feel less isolated and more confident about themselves.

SPAN is the New Jersey Affiliate of Parent to Parent USA
About Us / Our Programs / How we help families → NJ Statewide Parent to Parent
PARENT TO PARENT is dedicated to supporting families at their most challenging times and to celebrating each new victory. Parents helping parents…it’s a simple concept that works.
SPAN is the New Jersey Affiliate of Parent to Parent USA
P2P is a statewide network of parents (mothers, fathers, and caregivers) supporting families of children with developmental delays, disabilities, mental health challenges and special health needs. As trained support parents, we offer emotional support and information and act as a valuable resource to families. We offer assistance in learning the necessary skills to help parents face the challenges of raising their children. We are not counselors or therapists. We are parents who have experienced the feelings that come after learning that our children have a developmental delay, disability, or other special health needs. We offer moral support and encourage parents to feel comfortable and optimistic about the future.
What Parent to Parent Offers
- One-to-one matches of families with similar needs and experiences
Emotional support to the family of a child, youth, or young adult with a developmental delay, disability, mental health, behavioral, or special health care needs.
- Information about current resources, workshops, trainings and conferences for families on a variety of topics
- Orientation and Training sessions for parents interested in becoming volunteer support parents.
- Family-driven and/or Community-based activities
- Information and referral services
What Our Families Say

Parent to Parent NJ connected me with resources in my community, workshops, and other parents who today are a support for my family.
Contact Us
Brenda L. Figueroa
Family to Family Health Information Center/Parent to Parent of NJ
Email: bfigueroa@spanadvocacy.org