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SPAN Stories Project

Share your story with us and be a part of our legacy.



Submit a Story

To showcase the work we have done over the years providing services, supports, information, and training to families and professionals – and to help ensure we can continue this work long into the future – we are building a catalogue of Family and Professional stories shared by some of those we have assisted over our history.


For Families

If you are a member of a family (parent or guardian) who has received assistance from SPAN in some way and would like to share your story, we would be incredibly grateful.  You can do so in either of two ways – via video or in writing.  In both cases, we have provided just five questions for you to answer and made the process easy.

To take a quick and easy video using your cell phone, click the link below and follow the simple instructions (NOTE: Click the link below with your cell phone. It is also helpful toIt is also helpful to download the 5 questions first to reference them while you record).  

To provide your story in writing, click the link below to access our simple form:

For Professionals

If you are a professional who has received information, training or other assistance from SPAN that has helped in your advocacy work and you would like to share your story, we would likewise be grateful for your contribution.

To take a quick and easy video using your cell phone, click the link below and follow the simple instructions (NOTE: Click the link below with your cell phone. It is also helpful to download the 5 questions first to reference them while you record).

To provide your story in writing, click the link below to access our simple form:

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to the SPAN Stories Project and helping us ensure the future of our work.