START–Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities
Offering programs and services that support the engagement of families to improve outcomes for students.
START-Engaging Parent of Students with Disabilities (EPSD) offers assistance and services that support the engagement of families to improve outcomes for students, including developing and supporting Special Education Parent Advisory Groups (SEPAGs) in communities and school districts.
Through workshops, trainings, and parent leadership development activities, we help parents:
- Become informed and active participants in their child’s education
- Partner with educators in improving educational programs for students with disabilities, particularly in the area of Inclusion
- Start or strengthen parent advisory groups or parent support groups in their areas
Sharing information useful for families and school and district leaders to engage families in the NJ Tiered Systems of Support Framework
A Resource Collection for Families to Understand the NJTSS Framework
NJTSS is New Jersey’s model of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RTI). It is a framework for preventing academic and behavior difficulties and providing interventions and enrichment based on students’ needs.
This collection of webinars and resources provides parent- and family-friendly information and resources about the NJTSS framework, along with practical tips on how parents can support their children at home by reinforcing tiered interventions used at school. Links include websites with resources developed by the New Jersey Department of Education, SPAN, and other state departments and universities. Documents include one-page overviews, infographics, briefs, fact sheets, training materials, and checklists in English, Spanish, and other languages. Videos and webinars focus specifically on MTSS/NJTSS.
Developed and reviewed by the SPAN START-EPSD project in collaboration with New Jersey Office of Special Education Programs (NJOSEP).
Basic Information
This section helps families and others build their knowledge base and understanding of what MTSS is and what kinds of tiered supports are available to ALL students, including targeted and struggling students.
Better Together: Using MTSS as a Structure for Building School-Family Partnerships
This article discusses how implementing Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) provides an opportunity for educators to collaborate with families in a problem-solving process focused on improving students’ academic performance and behavior. It also offers specific recommendations for embedding family engagement within the tiered structure of MTSS to help plan and implement sustainable and meaningful family-school partnerships.
MTSS vs RTI vs PBIS – What’s the difference?
This article explains the three frameworks and how they provide practical, data-driven structure to make decision-making about supporting students more targeted and more efficient. Use this article as a cheat sheet (or refresher) so you can feel comfortable discussing them with parents, colleagues, and other stakeholders—and employing them with your team.
MTSS Fact Sheet / Hoja informativa del MTSS
One-page fact sheet offers introductory, essential information about multi-tier systems of supports (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered System of Supports Talking Points
Pointers on talking with principal, local school board members, or local teachers’ groups about the need for professional development (PD) in MTSS
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Fact Sheet / Hoja informativa acerca del Diseño Universal para el aprendizaje
Introductory information about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. The goal of UDL is to use a variety of teaching methods to remove any barriers to learning and give all students equal opportunities to succeed. It’s about building in flexibility that can be adjusted for every student’s strengths and needs when students are receiving support at any tier, and is why UDL benefits all children.
NJTSS Framework and Components
What is the NJTSS/MTSS Framework?
NJTSS, MTSS and RTI are all designed to meet the academic, behavioral, health, enrichment and social/emotional needs of all students. This section helps families and others build their knowledge base and understanding of the NJTSS components and provides resources on other three-tier prevention structures such as RTI and MTSS as well.
Essential Components of RTI – A Closer Look at Response to Intervention
This brief provides a definition of RTI, reviews essential RTI components, and responds to frequently asked questions. The information presented is intended to provide educators with guidance for RTI implementation that reflects research and evidence-based practices, and supports the implementation of a comprehensive RTI framework.
Understanding Response to Intervention
This article explains what RTI is, how it works, its benefits and relation to special education, as well as how teachers, students, and parents participate in RTI.
New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) Implementation Guidelines
This document is designed to meet districts where they are in the process of implementing a tiered system of supports. Organized by the nine essential components of NJTSS, the guidelines provide a detailed description of each component, best practices, a New Jersey district implementation spotlight, key tools for implementation, and valuable resources.
NJTSS One-Page Brief on New Jersey Tiered Systems of Supports (NJTSS)
This document describes the framework components that define New Jersey Tiered System of Supports. Provided in multiple languages.
Essential Components for Effective NJTSS Implementation Document
This document contains the definition of each essential component and includes links to resources for implementation from across the country.
Academic Success for All Students-A Multi-Tiered Approach
Video offers a look into a school using an MTSS for families and educators
Multi-Tiered System of Supports and Universal Design of Learning (UDL)
Video breaks down MTSS components and critical feature of the framework and UDL into easy-to-understand language
Practical Strategies and Tips for Families and Parents
A Family Guide to Response to Intervention (RtI)
This booklet reviews the basic components of any RtI process and includes questions you might want to ask your child’s school to learn more about their RtI process. Also included are ways you can get involved in the process and what to do and where to go if you have questions or concerns.
MTSS Family & Engagement Checklist
This checklist offers strategies for engagement when a student is receiving instruction at any of the three tiers.
Parent Advocacy Brief: “A Parent’s Guide to Universal Design for Learning (UDL)”
From the National Center for Learning Disabilities, helps parents understand UDL and how it can benefit students with learning disabilities.
Ten Tips for Reaching Your Struggling Learner
Specific teaching methods parents can use to help a struggling learner succeed
Additional Resources
NJ Department of Education—New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS)
NJDOE website provides information about the NJTSS framework and resources to support its implementation
Comprehensive website, available in English and Spanish, includes the following related resources:
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL): What You Need to Know
Information about the UDL approach, which offers flexibility in the ways students access material, engage with it, and show what they know
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL): What You Need to Know
Promoting Inclusive Practices Utilizing New Jersey Tiered System of Support
This webinar for parents, caregivers, and professionals provides an overview of NJTSS and strategies for best practices and how NJTSS can support inclusion. Parents and educators from schools using this framework share strategies in using NJTSS to learn how to advocate for greater inclusion and appropriate supports for children with disabilities.
Explore our
New Jersey Tiered System of Supports – Early Reading (NJTSS-ER) Engaging families in science-based reading instruction and intervention is a partnership between the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Student Support Services and SPAN Parent Advocacy Network.
NJTSS-ER Resource Collection for Families is an initiative that promotes the engagement of science-based reading strategies at home and provides information on best practices for partnering with your child’s teacher.
Upcoming Workshop
Latest Webinars
What Every Parent Needs to Know about Early Literacy, Part I
- NJ Tiered System of Supports for Early Reading Framework
- What is involved when assessing reading skills
- How you can find out if your child is making progress in reading
Review the Resource Folder: Resources, What Every Parent Needs to Know about Early Reading, Part I
Click to watch video
NJTSS ER Early Reading Resources & Activities
Parents & Teachers Working Together to Support Early Reading
Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Back to School Night Flyer: 5 Tips for Families Be prepared for your child’s Back to School Night with these helpful tips (English & Spanish)
Special Edition for the 2024 Olympics: Activities PageEnjoy learning and moving together with our Olympics Activities Page (English & Spanish)
- Quick Tips for Families – Back to School Night Flyer (PDF in English and Spanish)
- Reading Rockets: Home-School Connection – Learn more strategies on how to connect with your child’s teacher.
- Reading Rockets: Reading 101 – Understand the basics of children learning how to read.
- START-EPSD Literacy – Literacy resource collection created by the START Project/SPAN.
- Checklist for Parent Teacher Conferences
- Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Activities – Reading Rockets
- Fluency Matters | Reading Rockets
- Implementation Toolkits | National Center on Improving Literacy
- Reading Resource Materials