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START–Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities

Offering programs and services that support the engagement of families to improve outcomes for students.

START-Engaging Parent of Students with Disabilities (EPSD) offers assistance and services that support the engagement of families to improve outcomes for students, including developing and supporting Special Education Parent Advisory Groups (SEPAGs) in communities and school districts.

Through workshops, trainings, and parent leadership development activities, we help parents:

  • Become informed and active participants in their child’s education
  • Partner with educators in improving educational programs for students with disabilities, particularly in the area of Inclusion
  • Start or strengthen parent advisory groups or parent support groups in their areas


A strong partnership between a SEPAG and a Board of Education (BOE) is important for developing and maintaining meaningful family engagement in schools. Together SEPAGs and BOEs can make a positive difference in improving special education programs and services for students with disabilities and their families. 


Sample Questions to Ask Board of Education (BOE) Members Seeking Election/Reelection: BOE Candidate Questions.docx

Ejemplos de preguntas para los miembros de la Junta de Educación que buscan elección o reelección: Spanish BOE Candidate Questions.docx

Sample communication document if your SEPAG is hosting a Candidate’s Night : Candidate Communication for Candidates Night.docx

Sample Intro Letter to BOE Candidates:Sample Intro Letter to BOE Candidates

Sample Letter from SEPAG to accompany BOE Statements


Collaboration between a SEPAG and BOE

Mejores prácticas para garantizar la colaboración entre SEPAG y BOE

SPAN’s START-EPSD Project is funded through a Cooperative Agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education Professional Development.