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Early Childhood | Child Developmental Passport

Early Childhood | Child Developmental Passport

Child Developmental Passport - English

Child Developmental Passport - Spanish

The Child Developmental Passport includes:

  • Definitions of Developmental Monitoring and Screening
  • Well-Child Visit Tracker to track child’s height, weight, immunizations, and head circumference
  • Developmental Tracker to track child’s developmental and/or autism screening information including results and referrals for follow-up
  • Contact information for NJ Early Intervention, Project Child Find, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network – NJ’s “one-stop” for families, and Help Me Grow NJ’s Central Phone Line



NJ’s Early Childhood Initiatives

NJ's Early Childhood Initiatives

These Parent Engagement Cards are based on New Jersey's Birth to Three Early Learning Standards ( They were developed by the New Jersey Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators in collaboration with the New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health, the New Jersey Council for Young Children, and the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network. They provide strategies for parents to use every day with their young children to help support their healthy physical, emotional, and mental development and wellbeing.

CITE Parent Engagement Cards English

CITE Parent Engagement Cards Spanish