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Protect Your Child’s Rights to COVID-19-Related Compensatory Education

Protect Your Child's Rights to COVID-19-Related Compensatory Education

Protect Your Child's Rights to COVID-19-Related Compensatory Education.  Get the facts on:

  1. What is Compensatory Education? / ¿Qué es educación compensatoria?
  2. Who is eligible? / ¿Quién es/puede serele gible para recibir educación compensatoria?
  3. How to ask for compensatory education / ¿Como pido educación compensatoria?

Select the language this document is available in below or, click the download button to download the entire package.

Brochure: Alternatives to Guardianship (Spanish)

Brochure: Alternatives to Guardianship (Spanish)

Preparación para la mayoría de edad: toma de decisiones asistida y otras opciones de asistencia

En Nueva Jersey, un niño se convierte en adulto a la edad de 18 años, y todos los derechos parentales se transfieren al niño al alcanzar esta mayoría de edad. Si prevé que su hijo con discapacidades necesitará ayuda para manejar la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones adultas importantes, ¿conoce las opciones de asistencia?

Overview of Special Education Process in NJ (English/Korean)

Overview of Special Education Process in NJ (English/Korean)

If you are concerned about a preschool child or student (age three through twenty-one) who may be developing or learning differently, you can call the school district in which the child resides.  District phone numbers and addresses are available at  or call the NJ Department of Education, 800-322-8174.

유아 자녀나, 학년 기 자녀의 (3세부터 21세)의 신체적, 정서적, 사회적 발달 이나 학습능력의 차이로 인해 특수교육이 필요하다고 생각되는 경우에는, 자녀가 거주하는 학군에 연락을 하시면 됩니다. 각 학군의 전화번호와 주소는 뉴저지 교육국 (800-322-8174)으로 문의 또는, 이 웹사이트에서 찾으실 수 있습니다  (

AccessingSpecialEducationE - Korean2021.doc


Overview of Special Education Process in NJ (Hindi)

Overview of Special Education Process in NJ (Hindi)

यदि आप किसी प्रीस्कूल के बच्चे या छात्र (३ से २१ वर्ष की आयु) के विषय में चिन्तित हैं क्योंकि उसका विकास या प्रज्ञता सामान्य से अलग है, तो आप उस बालक/बालिका के निवास के स्कूल ज़िला में फ़ोन कर सकते हैं । ज़िला फ़ोन नंबर तथा पते इस वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध हैं- -१-८००-३२२-८१७४ (1-800-322-8174)

Accessing Special Education Fact Sheet_Hindi2021.docx


NJ’s Early Childhood Initiatives

NJ's Early Childhood Initiatives

These Parent Engagement Cards are based on New Jersey's Birth to Three Early Learning Standards ( They were developed by the New Jersey Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators in collaboration with the New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health, the New Jersey Council for Young Children, and the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network. They provide strategies for parents to use every day with their young children to help support their healthy physical, emotional, and mental development and wellbeing.

CITE Parent Engagement Cards English

CITE Parent Engagement Cards Spanish