About Us / Our Programs / How we help families → Center for Transition to Adult Healthcare for Youth with Disabilities
Center for Transition to Adult Health Care for Youth with Disabilities
This virtual center is for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). It provides healthcare transition training and resources to youth and young adults with ID/DD, ages 12-26, their families, and the professionals who serve them. All aspects of the center are created with the support and guidance from the youth. The National Health Care Transition Resource Center is served by multiple systems such as but not limited to, Foster System, Children and Youth, IDD, Family Services, Human Services, and the Justice System.

More about the Resource Center
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living has funded a collaborative partnership of Family Voices with the National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health/Got Transition, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network in New Jersey, the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to development a National Healthcare Transition Resource Center for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD).
Become a Member
Looking for diverse youth leaders with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be members of the center. Members will help youth with disabilities across the country transitioning to adult healthcare.
Who Should Apply?
We are looking for individuals with all kinds of disabilities and accommodation needs. One of the positions below might be perfect for you if:
- You have an intellectual or developmental disability
- You want to make a difference in healthcare

Current Leadership Opportunities and Eligibility Requirements at the Center
This virtual center is 100% guided by youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities. All opportunities will be given to youth as well as all responsibilities and work. There will be leadership and learning opportunities for all. New leadership and learning opportunities are available pertaining to many interests. Opportunities will be updated frequently.
Youth Steering Committee Member:
The Youth Steering Committee members are a group of youth advocates who are learning new skills, sharing ideas and making decisions about what’s happening at the Center. You will be required to attend meetings virtually.
Eligibility: 17-26 years old and have an intellectual and/or developmental disability
Toolkit Youth Advisor:
Assists in creating toolkits with information that young people with disabilities and their families can use as they move into adult health care. You will be required to attend meetings virtually.
Eligibility: 17-26 years old and have intellectual and/or developmental disability
Website Youth Advisor:
Help to create a website that will have resources and information for youth/young adults with disabilities and their families as they transition into the adult health care system. Advisors will complete tasks such as review and make suggestions on draft webpages or text. You will be required to attend meetings virtually.
Eligibility: 17-26 years old and have intellectual and/or developmental disability
Youth Development Initiative (YDI) Group Mentor:
A YDI Group Mentor is a 17-26 year old advocate member of the Youth Steering Committee who has been through this program and can help a younger person. They will guide the younger youth as they are learning new skills related to transition to adulthood. You will be required to attend meetings virtually.
Eligibility: 17-26 years old and have intellectual and/or developmental disability
Youth Development Initiative Committee Member (Learning Opportunity):
Youth ages 12-17 will learn from young adult leaders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities about transitioning into adult healthcare and preparing to lead a good adult life. Training will include information on advocacy, health care, and transition into adult care.
Eligibility: 12 -17 years of age and have an intellectual and/or developmental disability.
How to Apply
The application has two parts – a survey and an interview. You must complete both parts to apply for a position with our center. Diverse youth are encouraged to apply
Step 1 – Complete your survey online here – Spanish survey
If you need help completing the survey or want to complete it on zoom, contact Rachel Shandler. Contact information can be found at the bottom of the website.
Step 2 – Complete interview
We want to interview you to learn more about you.
Step 3 – Notification
Rachel Shandler will notify if you have been chosen for the position you applied for.
Reach out to Rachel Shandler for more information about the center or opportunities available with the center or other partnering organizations.
This project is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $2,425,000 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.