When the pandemic forced the closure of in person learning in March 2020, parent groups had to shift gears. In Keansburg, the shift was an opportunity to step back and figure out the best way to move forward with a group that struggled to launch. In the summer of 2020, parents and administration met virtually to create an action plan. They took the tools from the SPAN website, as well as technical assistance from their regional Parent Group Specialist, and created Keansburg Titan Friends of Diverse Learners. They started promoting their group on social media and leveraged their connections with other families. Jonna Viggiano, an elementary school teacher, shared information about the group to families and colleagues as well. The group began by hosting workshops on important topics such as an IEP Overview, Child Safety (which included a presentation from two Keansburg police officers) and strategies on addressing challenging behaviors at home. The group transitioned from remote to in-person meetings and have a consistent group of parents in attendance at their meetings. In a short period of time, this group has made tremendous strides. Their hard work, collaboration and teamwork has proven to be effective at providing a source of information for families to help them more effectively advocate for their children. The leadership team consists of Kaylin Flores (Parent), Christine Leon (Parent), Jeannette Haughian (Parent), Jonna Viggiano (Educator), and Tara Smith (Supervisor Special Education). They have their list of meeting dates for the new school year and welcome new parents to become a part of their SEPAG. For more information about the group, please visit the district website at: https://www.keansburg.k12.nj.us/Page/4363