Empowering Families and Engaging Professionals
In Unprecedented Times
Click to Read Our Report

By the Numbers
$4,463,913 Revenue
SPAN is primarily funded via state and federal government grants. This has been the case for many years and while it is a testament to our ability to deliver successful program outcomes year after year, such money may be restricted and can limit our ability to be as flexible as we need to be in order to meet the quickly changing needs of our families and professional partners. A higher percentage of donations from individuals and organizations will allow us to broaden our services and more quickly pivot to meet the evolving needs of the communities we impact.
Our Impact
We manage and/or partner in more than two dozen programs at any given time that engage thousands of youth, parents, caregivers, and professionals each year.
Individual Assistance, Training and Support
people in 16 programs provided with individual assistance
parents/professionals and youth in 18 programs provided with training and support
Capacity Building for Family Organizations
our response to technical assistance requests
Parent and Professional Leadership Development and Systems Change
participants in leadership training
contacts around capacity building and systems change
Information Dissemination
Individuals reached about our services
In 2020
Total number of parents trained
In 2020
Total number of youth trained
In 2020
Total number of Individual Assistance Contacts (parents and professionals)
In 2020
Information and resources shared
pieces of content information shared
pieces of information shared with youth/young adults
of the resources deemed to be of high quality
Key resources available in over 8 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Haitian, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese and Russian.
Help us Reach More Families
More than 91% of our program funding comes from grants.
However, we need individual and corporate contributions to
help us meet the quickly changing educational, mental health
and healthcare needs of the most vulnerable families in our
communities. And remember, since SPAN is also a trainer
of professionals, your gift reverberates and can help
families across the country! So, please give today by
visiting our website at spanadvocacy.org/donate.